You are here : Home > Products > Anasthesia Workstation > Cardiolabs Cflow 9 Workstation
Three Gas Anaesthesia Machine with provision for O2, N20 & Air
Main Driving gas can be air, hence reduce running cost of oxygen
Smart Gas Shift Technology: In case main Air gas fails, auto shift to secondary gas O2
Five Tube flow meter assembly with Anti Hypoxia Guard with N,O shut off in case O, fail
Advance ventilator with full range of modes VCV, PCV, SIMV, PSV, Manual, Standby
QInch Color Touch screen for display waveforms (PT, FT, VT )& Loops (PV, FV)
Advanced proportional valve technology with tidal Volume compensation & precise flow
Control to ensure accurate ventilation delivery from 20m!I-2000m!
Lithium lon Battery backup 3 hours
Electronic PEEP & Fio2 Monitoring
Switchable Auxiliary Common gas outletACGO)
Emergency oxygen flush flow between 35 to 70 LMP
Twin Selectatec type vaporizers manifold with interlock system
Inbuilt Pin Index Yokes for O2 & N20
Inbuilt Dual Drawers with big storage space
Integrated circle observer (1.5 L) with APL Valve and manual/Vent switch